Home » Sell Art Online with Online Art Festival

Sell Art Online

With Online Art Festival, you get everything you need to sell art online.

Sign up below to start selling art today.

Whether you're a beginner who's looking to sell your art for the first time, or you're a seasoned artist who's been selling art at art festivals and online for years, we've got a set of tools to help you launch your art sales to the next level.  Take advantage of our marketing tools, artist marketplace and networking opportunities to start or boost your sales.

1. Free Sign Up

Sign up to sell your art for free.  We'll review your submission in the coming days, to be sure you've met all jury requirements.  If everything looks good, you'll have full access to all features.

2. Build Your Artist Profile

As soon as you confirm your account, you can begin setting up your profile and settings.  Build out a profile to let customers know about you and your work.  Set up your payments account, policies and image galleries to start strong.

3. Upload Your Art Catalog

Start adding your art right away to kickstart your sales.  Set products up on-by-one, as a spreadsheet upload, or by connecting to common marketplaces* like Etsy and Shopify.

Why Choose Online Art Festival to Sell Your Art?

With so many options for how to sell art online, it can be tough to know where to start. But if you're looking for a way to reach a large audience of potential buyers, Online Art Festival is a great new tool to do just that.

If you're looking for the best way to sell art online, Online Art Festival is definitely worth considering. With its many benefits, it's the perfect platform for reaching a wide range of potential buyers and making sales that will help further your career as an artist.

Juried Marketplace

You'll have access to our Artist Marketplace. When you sell your art through Online Art Festival, your work will be seen by art lovers from all across the USA. Increase your reach even further by selling to our network of local galleries, boutiques & other online stores.

Know Your Numbers

Zero fees until you make a sale!  

Each Artist has a set commission rate. By engaging with OAF platform features, you can get your commission rates as low as 4% flat-rate.

  • No ad fees
  • No seller fees
  • No listing fees
  • No maintenance fees
  • Flat commission sales

A Community of Peers

When you sell your art with Online Art Festival, not only will it be easier than ever to sell your art, but also get access to a whole new community of people who love creativity as much as you do. Connect with other artists, customers and event promoters. Online Art Festival is a great place to network with other Artists and get your work noticed by influencers and curators. This can open up new opportunities for you to help you build your art career.

Jump Into Wholesale

You already know your customers love your art work.  Now, open a few more doors and start selling your art to our network of galleries, boutiques, ecommerce partners and visual art specialists.

With just one click, Artists can add any product to our complete wholesale and drop-ship network. 

What kind of art can I sell?

At Online Art Festival, we welcome all professional Artists, and those on their way. Art doesn't just mean framed prints for us.  We appreciate art across the spectrum.  You'll find a range of artists selling and exhibiting their handcrafted art here.


We Welcome:










And all other visual arts disciplines!

appaloosa horse

Drawing, Paintings, & Sketches

Whether you offer original paintings, or you offer your designs as prints on gallery wraps, note cards, and other accessories - Online Art Festival offers a unique platform targeted directly to buyers who love art.

What is needed to sign up?

Online Art festival is a a juried art community.  All artists are juried and screened after joining.  Some of the requirements during sign-up are so we can promise our customers that you're a real artist, and you really make your own art. The following list is what we recommend having ready before you start your sign-up.

Tell us about your art work

Your Story...

This is an open text statement about your work and your career as an artist.  You might include Artist Bio, Artist Biography, a story about your techniques, inspirations or how you got started.

Meyerdirk, G-4


Anyone can stand beside a piece of art and claim it as their own. But only Artists will have the parts & components, the well used equipment, the partially finished projects, and the ability to document their process, step-by-step.  We'll ask to see your works-in-progress to help us jury your art. Please provide enough documentation for us to see that you are, in fact, the Artist.  Time lapse videos or photos from each stage of creation are best.

Weight photo summer 2017

Finished Work

We ask to see documentation of your finished work.  If you have a variety of styles, please be sure to submit representations of each.

Feel free to use professional jury photos, website images, or even some quick shots from your phone. We're looking at the product, not your photo editing skills (unless you're a professional photographer... )


Work in a Public Forum

It's important that your work has been out in the public eye at some point, even if you've just gifted some pieces to friends.  The public is an Artist's harshest critic and most adoring fan.  The public is an Artist's lifeblood.

We ask for photos or videos of your art on display in a public forum or multiple images showing your work in various homes or spaces.

Great examples include:

  • Art Festival Booth
  • Gallery Display
  • Boutique Store Display
  • Your art in various homes, offices or spaces where others can enjoy it

FAQ - Selling Art with Online Art Festival

Profiles are always free.  If you choose to be a marketplace Vendor, we charge a flat percentage of sales.  All new Artists start at 15%, but by helping build our community, rates can get as low as 4% of sales.

When you add a new product, you can choose from calculate shipping rates, flat-rate shipping, or free shipping. 

Then, you ship your art directly to your new customer, using the methods you know work best for your products.

Your inventory automatically updates each time you make a sale with OAF.  If you need to integrate your inventory with a third party (Square, etc) those integrations will be available soon - we're still building out this functionality.

*Some features are in beta testing with limited vendor availability