Omaha NE Summer Arts Festival

  • Jun.07 - Jun.09
    01:00 AM - 04:00 PM
  • Arksarben Village
    2285 S 67th
    Omaha, AL, 68106, USA
  • Event Category
    Independent Art Festival
  • Event Cost
  • Event Organizer
Omaha NE Summer Arts Festival

At the heart of Omaha's cultural district, the 50th Omaha Summer Arts Festival offers a true experience for the art connoisseur. Amidst Aksarben Village's beautiful streets, attendees will find a juried selection of visual and performing arts. It's a city celebration where the affluent can indulge in artistic discovery, supported by a community that is proud of its cultural richness. This event is not merely an art festival but  an artistic and cultural destination for discerning art buyers.

Contact Team Vic Guttman with Festival questions.

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