Behind the Lens: The Artistic Journey of Cheyenne L Rouse

Desert Duel by Cheyenne L Rouse Photography

Cheyenne L Rouse’s photography captures more than just images; it captures history. Through her lens, the spirit and nostalgia of The West are preserved in stunning clarity and emotional depth. lets explore how her transition from film to digital has influenced Cheyenne L Rouse’s work and the unique techniques she employs to capture the essence…

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Embracing Tradition: Krystal Obrzut’s Artistic Journey

In this video interview, we explore the artistic path of Krystal Obrzut, a promising talent deeply rooted in the rich soils of her Hopi heritage. Under the guidance of her mother, Kim Obrzut, a renowned bronze artist with over 35 years of experience, Krystal is navigating the realms of tradition and craftsmanship that have defined…

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Get to know Mike Greenfield of Greenfield Fine Arts

Mike Greenfield is a stone sculpture artist based in Goodyear, Arizona. His passion for art began with pencil, pen and ink drawings, which he learned in California. After moving to Lake Tahoe, he began to study watercolor and eventually combined it with his pen and ink drawings. He later explored three-dimensional art and took bronze…

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The Process of Creating a Stone Sculpture with Mike Greenfield

Star Dancer Sculpture by Greenfield's Fine Arts

The Process of Creating a Stone Sculpture with Mike Greenfield Stone sculpting is an art that has been around for thousands of years, and it continues to captivate and inspire people to this day. One stone sculptor who has made a name for himself in this field is Mike Greenfield. His works have been praised…

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