Home » Event Promoters » Promoters: Invite your artists and get more eyes on your art festival.

Invite Artists to tag you from their profiles!

Ready to get more eyes on your event?  Upload your exhibiting artists list.  We'll invite them to create a profile and add your event to their event calendar on their OAF profile.  This increases exposure for your event, and lets customers shop with your artists year round!

Step 1: Download the sample file

Step 2: Edit the file with information for your artists and your event.

Step 3: Upload the completed artist information file

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your artist list including the following information: Artist First Name, Artist Last Name, Artist Email. You may upload .csv, .xls, .doc or .pdf files.

Step 4: We'll notify the artists to create a profile and add your event.